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Is It Justifiable

Go ye therefore unto all the world preaching the Good News starting here in Jerusalem, then Judea, then Galilee; unto the four winds of the world

These are the closing remarks of Jesus to His Disciples shortly before He lifted up. Well, depending with which theological school of thought one belongs ‘four winds’ can be interpreted to mean many things. Indeed the gospel did begin in Jerusalem and everywhere the Word is spoken is testimony enough that the gospel is now worldwide. We are the ‘four winds’ whenever and wherever it is communicated in our hearing. Talk about the radio, TV, print media, internet, open air meetings, church, street preachers, highway (matatu) pastors e.t.c. Actually, we can easily conclude that Jesus is the most advertised ‘commodity’ in our times. Personally I speak about Him every Sunday through song and speech.

But, have we ever stopped to think about how far we need to go in reaching the unreached? The response to the call to propagate the gospel has not been without overdoes and abuse. There are many things I would like to talk about but one thing is on my mind tonight:

I am sick and tired of hearing gospel music booming from unlikely/unfamiliar sources like pubs, bars, restaurants, secular promotional road shows and what-have-you. All these come in the name of taking the message to where it is most needed. That if drunkards are repeatedly exposed to the message they will at a point in time give in or at least we Christians shall have washed our hands by having it delivered. I think that is the wrong way of doing things. I am not trying to imply that people in those places are the worst but we can at least acknowledge that they are more often associated with many ills in the society. Without deviating from my original message let me say that immorality and broken marriages are cultivated in alcoholism. Poverty and misery in many homes are inversely proportional to the number of times they visit bars. Those places are exclusive for things that can not be pleasing to God. Whatever songs they play or message they preach, there can not be an environment for God to work in people’s lives.

True repentance is a result of several internal and external factors that play into one. The rational, emotional and spiritual state of the individual coupled with a favorable physical environment can lead one to repentance. I totally do not figure out how Christian music playing at blasting volumes in pubs is going to make people see the light. The decision to follow Jesus should be taken when someone is considered of sound mind. In fact what these people are doing is help secularize gospel music, and that is what the evil one has been striving to achieve all this time. I think playing Rose Muhando or Rufftone in matatus may end up with the same effect as would Nonini or Shaggy.

The Israelites of old realized this when they refused to sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land. It was required of them to sing the songs of Zion to entertain their captors. They flatly refused; “how can we sing the Lord’s song in such places”? These people knew how important it was to prepare themselves first and the conditions under which they were to come before the Lord in song. Just as the Babylonians demanded entertainment from their captives so does the devil require it from his captives. Gospel in pubs is pure entertainment to him and direct mockery to God.

I may buy into the idea of secular musicians doing gospel hits but never the idea of preaching from the wrong alters. Let’s always remember that it is the people who seek salvation and not the other way round. It is the people to follow the gospel and not the gospel to follow the people. The gospel is power (magnetic) and will pull whomsoever it wills. The frantic efforts to take it to funny places are equivalent to the way Muslims push their religions with flesh and blood. Ours is a faith that will ultimately triumph over all, therefore folks lets retain the honour of presenting it as is: come in if you would or stay out. Period.

This is my own opinion; it is subject to debate.


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