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Showing posts from October, 2009

Is It Justifiable

Go ye therefore unto all the world preaching the Good News starting here in Jerusalem, then Judea, then Galilee; unto the four winds of the world These are the closing remarks of Jesus to His Disciples shortly before He lifted up. Well, depending with which theological school of thought one belongs ‘four winds’ can be interpreted to mean many things. Indeed the gospel did begin in Jerusalem and everywhere the Word is spoken is testimony enough that the gospel is now worldwide. We are the ‘four winds’ whenever and wherever it is communicated in our hearing. Talk about the radio, TV, print media, internet, open air meetings, church, street preachers, highway (matatu) pastors e.t.c. Actually, we can easily conclude that Jesus is the most advertised ‘commodity’ in our times. Personally I speak about Him every Sunday through song and speech. But, have we ever stopped to think about how far we need to go in reaching the unreached? The response to the call to propagate the gospel has not been