- Part One -
Grass is to animals what Ugali is to man, but not anymore. This scenario is fast changing with many people taking to eating grass in the place of their livestock albeit involuntarily. Well, the last time the world was treated to this was about 2600 years ago when King Nebuchadnezzar was condemned to eat grass like cattle for seven years. This had come as a punishment for going against God’s will and seeking divine-like exaltation… this is a story for another day.
The case at hand is a lot more difficult to handle as nobody can adequately and authoritatively ascertain its authenticity. All that we got here are stories from sources with lack of facts. Nevertheless, we write because it is an issue that touches on sensitive areas and has drawn the attention of many.
For the past several months it has been in the news the case of a witchdoctor with the ability to make culprits eat grass like livestock. This witchdoctor (name withdrawn) comes from Western Kenya and has been performing this practice in the region and beyond. Witchdoctors are not new in this place but this is one with a difference, he is said to be endowed with powers to reveal top secrets with specialty in crime busting. According to unconfirmed reports he is said to be able to perform magic and say where for instance the stolen property is hidden, who the culprits were and other information that conventional means can not reveal.
With current levels of crime and other social vice it isn’t surprising that people from all walks of life have come to him for help. When people go to him with a problem he listens and is then given time with his paraphernalia after which he divulges in oracular manner. But this doesn’t come cheap as fees of between 40,000 and 60,000 thousand shillings is charged. He then sets three options as punitive measures to be taken against the culprits: first to cause them to die mysteriously, make them go crazy and finally make them go back to the scene of crime and eat grass, the latter is what many prefer. He then demands another 40,000 shillings from his victims to restore them to sanity. They are then made to repay back what they stole and left at the mercies of the public. Several incidences have been reported but today I had the privilege of witnessing one.
Following the wave of crime and violence witnessed in this town in the past few weeks culminating in the murder of a young woman last week, people said enough is enough. So they came together, raised the money and called the services of the magician particularly to reveal the murderers. Sunday the 31st of January was the day and Nyabite market the venue. The locals were curious and even strangers could sense something devious. I am not a believer in Satanism and don’t really fancy what people do with dark powers but all the same I was there to catch the action, if any. I thought of the camera but knew it would be risky to photography such scenes. That is not the kind of place one would try anything mischievous. In fact even lying on grass can be mistaken for eating grass and earn one the wrath of a blood hungry public. Anything to do with grass is to be avoided at all cost.
As the day wore out and dusk fast approaching, people were growing impatient and demanding explanations. But wait a bit… here comes a man on boda (motorbike) and alights next to a restaurant. Eyewitnesses say he fell on the ground and started dragging himself to a nearby shop where started climbing a makeshift wall. He was totally behaving like a mentally challenged person, in that state of frenzy he was clenching his fists and tearing down the wall covering. He suddenly appeared to regain his sanity but before he could utter a word people suspected him and bounced on him with stones, bars, clubs and anything, killed him on the spot. In the brink of an eye the place was turned to a sea of humanity, I marvel at the swiftness with which people gather. The body mutilated beyond recognition was taken by the police a few minutes later. By the time of leaving the scene, people were still bailing for more blood
Watch out for part two …