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Showing posts from December, 2009

Death in the Night

Brothers be Warned … just like the previous day and the day before and the day before that, he got himself drunk and rose up to stagger his way home. But this particular day was rather different because along the way he picked a woman (actually she was laying by the roadside) and asked her home. Drunkards have a fondness for one another; so thinking she was a comrade in the bottle he took her hand and offered to accommodate her for the night. But she wasn't drunk as such. What was happening there was that she had run away from home for harassment or I don't know what; she was carrying a pregnancy at an advanced stage. Now, there is no problem with that except that it was illegitimate. The man (mid 20s) under the influence of the ‘spirits' made advances to her convincing (or confusing) her that after all she can assume the wifely responsibilities. The dude was fresh from chasing away his wife with one kid for not being up to her tasks. The gates opened and he announced the a